After extracting the archive and changing the settings in maezumo.ini for nano I fired up Maezumo. The evolver produces a table of results in index.htm which refreshes every few minutes.
For the first 93 steps simple coreclears ruled the day. Warrior 93 was a simple paper and over the next 20 or so steps papers managed to take complete control. By step 130 most of the papers had disappeared to reappear again at step 174.
At this point I noticed a potential problem. Whether through my error or a bug in the program, the last line of every warrior is always dat.f $0, $0. So far I haven't figured how to fix this.
My first impressions of Maezumo are that it's effective, maintains diversity in the pool and the reports look fantastic. For a future version it would be nice to see more statistics in the reports, e.g. lineage.