Friday, 13 March 2009

nano papers: ghoulish and Apis Mellifera

Here are a couple of nano paper/clear I've been playing with recently using a mov.i #1,<1 anti-imp clear.

;name ghoulish
;author S.Fernandes
;strategy paper/clear
;assert CORESIZE == 80

pstep equ -39
cpos equ -18
dpos equ 27

paper spl #-21 , <-32
mov }paper-1 , }pboot
mov.i #1 , <1
pboot spl <pstep , cpos
djn.f paper+1 , <dpos

;name Apis Mellifera
;author S.Fernandes
;strategy paper/clear
;assert CORESIZE == 80

pstep equ -22
cpos equ -18
dpos equ -8

paper spl #0 , <33
mov }paper , }pboot
pboot spl <pstep , <-16
mov.i #1 , <1
djn paper+1 , #dpos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The safe answer ;)